Let us build you a platform to scale.

We focus on research and data before we start building, which saves you money

Requirement Gathering

We need to get to the bottom of who you are, what you stand for and who you stand beside. Only then can we begin to create a design that portrays the value you offer in a way that resonates with the people who matter: the people you want to do business with.

Design Presentation

You can choose from our pre-packed design inspirations or three new design concepts will be presented. Naturally there will be a common theme but we try to think outside the box and come up with something that isn’t obvious. These is often where the best ideas come from. We’ll go through these options and decide which direction to take and any adjustments.

Website Development

Now we have your design locked-in, we can begin to construct the website. Our copywriter will be in touch with you to help put your ideas down through the “voice” of your new brand. Any photos will need to be gathered at this stage.

Finalization & Deployment

Using everything we’ve gathered, your website is built. Once it’s done, we’ll present it to you and go through the details in accordance with the objectives originally set. Any amends are made at this stage.

Website in Bhutan

Website Development

Your website is more than just an online placeholder for your brand; it’s a powerful marketing tool. With the right web design, your site engages, informs, and calls visitors to action, all while staying true to your brand promise.

While developing the website we will always have user of the website in our mind. This will make the website user friendly and also keep it up with latest design trends.

The design will never compromise the security of your website. Along with security the website will be regularly backed up.

Web Hosting

When your website’s down, that’s a potentially missed opportunity to engage with a customer (or potential customer). That’s why we offer a 99.9% service up-time guarantee.

With our data center on different countries, we provide fast response to your website users. It’s hard to believe anyone would want to harm your website, but they do. So we monitor your website 24x7 to prevent such attacks.

The added benefit that Bhutan Developer provides is free one year of domain name of your choice (Will be subjected to availability). Along with it we will provide you with Five email addresses. So you can have more control over your business with email address of your domain rather than using Gmail/Yahoo/Outlook.

All our hosting service comes with SSL certificate. Which means all your website's connection are encrypted. Thus, ensuring your customers trust and protection.

Added perk with above features are that, Bhutan Developer team can help you upload your website/migrate them and set it up. So, you will be able to take your business live fast.

SEO Optimized Content Writing

Publish amazing content that engages your target audience. Word of mouth, social shares, and organic search traffic together grow your customer base. It’s that easy! SEO campaigns succeed when your content is focused on two audiences – search engine crawlers and human readers.

Your business sell something great. [Unfortunately, so do millions of others]. Who wins? Search engines like Google tell buyers which sites are most relevant and credible. As one of the best SEO companies, we know how to get your site found, trusted and loved!

We will not only write content that machines find worthy but also one that humans do enjoy reading. The quality of article will always be assured with proper language and grammar usage.

Reach out to us to get started

Website in Bhutan